We are a work cell with over 15 years of experience in various productive sectors. Depending on the scale of the challenge, we have worked on projects at a local and international level in a network. We believe in the power of Design as a strategic tool to improve the purposes of people, companies, and organizations.

Apply Design as a structure of thought and a strategic tool to improve people and businesses.
Our strength is based on diversity. Created in 2007 by Oscar Mas, it brings to the work cell the best talent in different disciplinary fields, the members come from the fields of business, social sciences, engineering, and of course, design.

Oscar Mas, Founder + Strategic Innovation Designer. Interdisciplinary professional.
I have a hybrid profile constituted from the disciplinary fields of marketing, branding, communication, and design; with applied knowledge in the field of education and research skills, which provides a vision from different perspectives. I am an articulator of the needs of the people and the objectives pursued by the business.
I have held leadership positions in the private and educational sector, such as Vice Chancellor of Innovation, Director of the Innovation Hub, Director of the FabLab, Director of the Design Program at the University of Sciences and Arts of Latin America, UCAL, in charge of agile teams and management in design, marketing, creativity, and innovation. I am a lecturer in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Mexico, the United States, and Spain.
I have more than 25 years of experience in various projects that apply thinking and the design process to solve problems. I have also participated as a guest mentor in startups. I apply Design as a mindset and strategic tool to solve problems and challenges in businesses and organizations such as Ilaria International, Etna Batteries, Bosch Automotive and Power Tools, Deremate.com (today mercadolibre.com), Suzuki, Sonax Car Care, Technoserve Inc., Volvo, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Plan International Org., World Bank, IFC (International Finance Corporation), Librerías Crisol, Volkswagen, LACMA (Latin America and Caribbean Movers Association), Vende.pe, which later became Yapo.cl in Chile for Schibsted Media Group, ILO (International Labor Organization), Total Financial Services, Arellano Marketing, Apexo, Talsa Agro-Export, among others.
Ph.D. candidate in Design (Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires), Branding Specialist (Kellogg School of Management), Master in Higher Education (URP), Bachelor of Education (USIL), Diploma in Marketing (ESAN) and Master in Advertising Communication (IED, Barcelona), Designer by the Toulouse-Lautrec Institute.
I currently lead projects focused on processes and methodologies that transform the way of generating value in organizations focused on education, design, communication, and creating or rejuvenating brands at Masbrand. Also, I am a Global Speaker in the Business Programs at the Continental University of Florida (CUF) and a lecturer at the Master in Innovation Management at the University of Lima.
Our approach
Our approach is based on analysis, data, and experimentation. We start with our conceptual model, which contains several practical tools to facilitate the development of the solution in any field.

Sixmore: Create. Innovate. Change
A set of key human skills for the 21st century is developed by walking through the methodology. The Sixmore method: Create, Innovate, Change, version 1.0. With some upgrades, you can purchase it in Spanish here and soon in English by March 2025!